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Emani Interview to Jamie Haley

Taking on 2021 With Emani Ambassador Jamie: An Interview on Morning Routines, Momming, and Taking on a Whole New Year

You may know Jamie Haley on Instagram as “Life of a Boy Mom,” where she showcases fashion, food, hair care, photos with her three adorable boys, and even crafts!

Despite having a jam-packed schedule, Jamie’s gained a strong hold on time management and balance. But after 2020, we all learned a thing or two about ourselves, and we

We sat down with Jamie to ask her about her morning routines, what she learned from 2020, and how she plans to take on 2021

We all know that the beginning of the new year is the perfect time to set new goals, but for a lot of us, the pressure is daunting! How do you set and manage your new year goals and resolutions? Do you use any kinds of tools (planner, vision board, bullet journal, etc.)?

“I always use a planner with some special color-coding and different colored post-it’s for lists each week! I love it!”

How important is a morning routine for you? What’s your morning routine like, and how do you handle the more hectic days?

“Morning routines are SO important, especially with my kids and getting everyone ready! When we are rushed, I tend to focus on just making my skin clean & even toned.”

How has your beauty/hair routine changed since the start of 2020?

“I have definitely started using less makeup and focusing on taking care of my skin! Since we don’t go out much, I don’t wear makeup every day as I used to, but I do still try to wear it a few times a week because I enjoy it! Hair has also been more of a focus and trying to find ways to do it that are quick, easy and look good!”

2020 made us all a little more aware of how we dress in our homes. As someone who’s passionate about fashion, have you found a go-to outfit that keeps you productive at home while still feeling your best?

“I love my jeggings that are both comfortable and also make me feel like I need to get things done! I also have been liking tops that are more versatile and can be worn with leggings or jeans. Most of the time though, I’m wearing leggings!”

We understand that essential oils are a big part of your daily life! Can you share with us some of your favorite blends, and when you like to use them?

“My go-tos for essential oils are Thieves (spicy-blend) for helping with keeping the air fresh and clean, peppermint, lavender & lemon! I am always diffusing oils in our main living areas and I use products with essential oils for almost everything—soaps, laundry, cleaning, etc.”

Can you share with us any wisdom you learned from 2020? This can be a simple mantra or sentence, a strategy you learned, something someone told you, or anything else that comes to mind!

“Just do the best you can—these days, everything looks different and can be more complicated. We just have to adapt and do the best we can with what we have!”

We’re still remind all too often that balance gets trickier when you have children! What advice can you give new moms in 2021 about balancing work life, motherhood, and self-love?

“You have to make time for yourself somehow!!! I’ve realized that taking just a few hours to do something for me—whether that’s read a book, do my hair and makeup or grab a coffee and go for a drive—makes a huge difference in my mood and mindset. You have to love yourself most to be your best self for your kids and family.”

Can you tell us one thing from 2020 you’re planning to keep in 2021?

“I’m going to keep enjoying more family time! Having my husband home more and spending time as a family has been a huge blessing!”

 Can you tell us one thing you’re ready to let go of in 2021?

“I’m ready to let go of negativity and anxiety—this year I’m life one day at a time and keeping things in mind to look forward to!”

Finally, name one specific thing that makes your daily life easier. 

“Routines! Any type of routine helps from morning routines with the kids to makeup and skincare!”

If you haven’t already, check out Jamie’s instagram @lifeofaboy_mom for some everyday life inspiration!

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